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  • Dave Reeve

Look Back at November and December

As we approach the end of the year, whilst training has continued, the weather has reduced activity somewhat! Despite the rain and cold, with only one exception, training on Saturday mornings has continued for those wishing to come along. If you are planning on coming along to training keep an eye on the Doodle Poll to check whether training is on as there can be times when the conditions locally at Strawberry Fields are somewhat more challenging than where you may be travelling from.

As we approach the end of the year we look back on a very successful and active year for ARNY. We had one new member join in November which makes a total of 25 new members for the year. As a group there have been 209 training sessions for Associates with 14 test passes throughout the year. This is in addition to all of the group’s other activities such as Tutor training, check rides etc.

These stats are a significant increase on 2018 and show that the group is continuing to develop. The committee is very focussed on ensuring that the group develops at a rate that is sustainable and ensures that the quality of the training experience is maintained. This will continue to be the case.

The colder and wetter weather does not stop some ARNY members from braving the elements and getting out on their bikes. Andy Esmond and Jeff Terry enjoyed the mud in another Adventure Cannonball involving some 100 miles of roadbook navigation with some very muddy trails and then Richard Falls joined them for some more mud and fun in Pately Bridge.

Catch up with these adventures, and more, on the ARNY Facebook page.

Well, that brings another successful year for ARNY to an end. Thanks to all of those who have given time to train, be trained, or contribute to the group in any other way throughout 2019. We look forward to another excellent year in 2020.

In the meantime, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone….

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