Social Calendar
As well as focussing on high quality rider training, ARNY has an active social agenda including weekly social rides for post test members, organised monthly social rides, midweek "Wednesday Wobbles" and other social events. Details are communicated via the News blog, Facebook and WhatsApp and the social events are included on the ARNY events spreadsheet via this link. All training events are shown on the Calendar by scrolling down on the Home Page too.
Riders are encouraged to review the group riding hints, tips and etiquette outlined below.
Watch a video of a typical Wednesday Wobble here:
Click on image to unmute
Monthly Social Rides
There is a social ride organised every month on a Sunday. The event is included in the group calendar and each event is advertised via Facebook and here on the News blog. A Tutor will lead the rideout and the rides are designed be a mix of riding, coffee, cake and ice cream, if the weather suits, and are organised to suit all members including pillions.
There are also monthly social rides for post test riders and once a month there is a "Wednesday Wobble" all of which are led by an ARNY Tutor. All members are welcome.
Social rides hints and tips
To ensure everybody has a safe and enjoyable social ride all participants are briefed by the ride leader. The "Drop-Off System", designed to ensure nobody gets lost, may be used for larger groups. An explanation of the system can be found here. A full briefing is provided at the beginning of each ride as appropriate and some other group riding hints and tips can be found here.