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  • Dave Reeve

Look Back at January

Despite the New Year starting a little slowly, with a few Saturday training sessions being cancelled due to the weather, training has continued for those braving the elements. There have also been a few well attended Saturday morning coffee and chat sessions at Strawberry Fields on those wintry mornings which have been much appreciated by all who came along.  For those who are intending to train, just a reminder to please put your name down on the Attendance spreadsheet so that we can make sure we have enough Tutors available.


During the winter months we take the opportunity to do some planning for the forthcoming riding season and this year has been no exception.  We had a committee meeting in the middle of the month and we tagged on a discussion around what had gone well over the last year and areas to think about changing.  This is always a good discussion looking at all areas and activities of the club.


There was a general view that 2023 had been a very successful year, resulting in a maximum number for new members joining the club.  The social side of the club was well received, and appreciated, with the first weekend away being of note.  There was a discussion around a few aspects of training and support for Tutors that are worth further focus and these will form part of our activity in 2024.


As ARNY continues to grow, we also have been thinking about how we review, and decide on, the future direction of the club.  With the aim of getting the feedback from all members, committee member Phill Bates has been preparing a survey to be sent out to members to get views and opinions from as many people as possible.  All members will receive this shortly by email so keep an eye out for the survey email. The results of this survey will help the discussion and debate forming the future direction of the club so your input is important and will be much appreciated.


The 2024 ARNY Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday March 21.  This year we will be having a talk at the AGM and it is hoped that this will encourage more people to come along and take part.  Keep an eye out for more information on the details of the AGM which will be sent out through the normal channels.


As usual the AGM will be the time when all the committee member positions are up for election and anybody who is interested in taking a more active role in the club is encouraged to put their name forward.  If you require any information as to what is involved, feel free to contact any of the Tutors or committee members and they will be pleased to help.  Geoff Hale has decided to step down from the Social Secretary position for the coming year due to other commitments, including continuing to be the ARNY Treasurer!  We thank Geoff for his significant, and very successful, efforts over the last year.  Andy Hildred kindly offered to cover the role up to the AGM when it will be up for nomination along with all other positions.  There was a discussion around whether this role could be supported by one, or more, individuals to help with the workload.  Again, if you are interested in helping, please let that be known.


As the days start to get longer we are all hoping for some kinder weather on Saturdays at least!


Until next time…..


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